CBK  Policies &
General Information



Mission Statement

Our guiding principle at Created By Kids is never to limit what our students can do, instilling pride and confidence in their creative abilities and themselves. While we believe all art programs are valuable, our curriculum goes beyond simple arts and crafts, combining art history relevance with fun, engaging projects adapted so that they are age-appropriate but still challenging.

Our goal is that students will create something amazing they can be proud of while also relating that back to all of the wonderful work that hangs in the world-famous museums of New York City. Simply put, we want to emphasize that they, too, can become part of the cultural dialogue with the pieces they make in our studio, and that art can be a vital means of expression. We run five to seven days a week through our conveniently located studio just steps from Barclays Center, and our innovative after school programs throughout Brooklyn affiliated schools, we strive to make art an integral part of every child’s life that they may not otherwise have the opportunity to experience.

Our teachers’ responsibilities

Each class will be staffed according to DOH guidelines keeping our student/teacher ratios small. Teachers will never come to work if any symptoms are present. They will also clearly communicate safety expectations to all students.

School Pick up Services

CBK will be offering our free pick up services each year. For a school to be considered for a pick up we must know the location and time to ensure it can work in our schedule. All pick ups will be walked over as we will not be able to use public transportation. We ask that the parents coordinate the group of ten or more kids. If your school dismissal is at a later time we are willing to change the class time from 3:30 - 5:30 to 4 -6 pm if 20 or more kids are confirmed for the class. Once a group is formed we will help add to the group by reaching out to any families we know from the school.

Parent Pick up and drop off

Pick up begins promptly at 5:30 pm (or 6 pm if the time was augmented). We ask that all kiddos be picked up promptly at the end of class. If you suspect you may be late to pick up your child, please call or email the studio ASAP. We allow for two late pick-ups no later than 15 minutes per session. All pick ups later than 15 minutes will be charged a $25 fee. We will also charge a $25 fee for all late pick ups thereafter for the remainder of the session.


Created By Kids follows all up to date guidelines outlined by the DOH. In order to keep everyone safe, we ask that families inform CBK of any potential infection or illness within their communities.



After school/Half Day Refund Policies:

All registration sales are final; no refunds will be issued if a class is dropped. If there is an emergency situation and your child needs to drop the class it will be at the owners discretion and not guaranteed. We will need to find a replacement within a two-week period and a 10% fee is charged on the remainder classes in addition to the loss of the CC processing fee. We understand that schedules can change, however, we prep and plan classes months in advance. As a small business we do not the the time and resources to accommodate multiple drops within a session.

Missed Classes: We are not responsible for offering make up classes or refunds due to circumstances out of our control, including but not limited to: weather, state wide emergencies, illnesses, or personal reasons. We will do all we can to make sure students who miss class are caught up when they are able to return to class.


We will not be offering credits or transfers this year unless a parent requests to drop due to tutoring/therapy needs. In the event this happens, we will first allow a transfer to another class. If all other classes are full then a credit can be issued if we can fill your child's spot in class within 2 weeks of the request. There will be a $50 fee and the credit must be used by the next session we offer. This is not guaranteed and only granted at the discretion of CBK's owner. If you have a previous credit please email us to redeem it. If you register first, we can not retroactively apply the credit, it will stay on file to be used at a later date.

Payment Plan Agreement:

We are no longer offering the studio payment plan. You can choose to set up a payment plan with PayPal, there is an option on our registration form called Pay Later, please select this to set up a payment plan through PayPal.

**Our registration form will outline our refund policy, it will need to be signed before registering for classes**

Shut Down Policies:

In the event of temporary studio closure at any point during the school year due to government recommendations/public health and safety, all classes may move online depending the length of the closure. We regret that we will not be able to offer refunds in this event, as we incur much of our costs upfront as a small family-owned business and make preparations well ahead of time for your child to have the best experience with CBK. If we are unable to provide online classes, we will be in contact with families on how we will make up the missed time. It has been and will continue to be our priority to provide the students with the full content of any classes missed due to a shutdown.

**Our registration form will outline our refund policy, it will need to be signed before registering for classes**

Any questions or concerns can be directed to CBK owner Rene Czika, rene@createdbykidsnyc.com



Parent drop off/ Pick Up

You will receive an email with a drop off time frame. We ask that you do not come earlier than that as we may be out of the studio with a pick up or prepping for class. If you do come before the scheduled time frame we unfortunately will not be able to accommodate your child until the start of the drop off time provided to you.

Pick up begins promptly at 5:30 pm (or 6 pm if the time was augmented). We ask that all kiddos be picked up promptly at the end of class. If you suspect you may be late to pick up your child, please call or email the studio ASAP. We allow for two late pick up times per session no later than 15 mins, if you pick up your child later than 15 mins a $25 fee will be charged. We will also charge the $25 fee each time you are later than 15 mins once you have exceeded two late pick ups.




Although activities vary each day we follow the same basic schedule as below:

8am | Early Care Drop-off: Available for a $20 fee; must be scheduled in advance and can be paid the day of.

8:45 - 9am | Drop-off begins: Parents & Students arrive during a 15 min time frame, if you are running late please give us a ring!

9am | Free Draw: As students arrive - each student will be have materials for free draw or in some cases we may have them prep for their upcoming project!

9:30 | Class Begins: Introduction and discussion of expectations and classroom rules. We then begin the days project with some background information and a live demonstration. 

10:30 | Break for Snack

10:45 - 11:30 | Resume Project: Another live demo and continuation of the daily project.

11:30 - 12:15 | Free Time: Students will have an array of art related activities to choose and hang out with their friends!

12:15/12:30 pm | Lunch: Students will be allowed to watch a short artistic movie, when available CBK student produced stop motion animation movies or other education films that accompany the weekly theme. Following lunch we wash hands, and use the restroom before outdoor time.

1 pm | Outdoor Time (weather permitting): CBK will be headed to the park! We understand how important it is to get outside during the camp day to get some fresh air and our energy out! As always we will be bringing along some fun creative activities (depending on the camp week) for our students, such as kite making, rocket launching, obstacle courses and much more! We utilize the buddy system when we walk to the park for safety purposes. 

2:15 pm | Return from the park: Students will wash hands, grab a drink of water and cool down. 

2:30pm | Resume Project: Students will finish any work on the day’s project.

3:30 pm | Afternoon Snack: Before departure, all students will pack their belongings for pick up. We will discuss plans for tomorrow’s class until the parents arrive.

3:50 - 4 pm | Pick Up Begins: Please arrive on-time and communicate with a CBK staff member if you will be late for any reason. When you arrive please ring both doorbells, sometimes they can be wonky.

4:00 pm | Extended Day Begins: This available upon request; until 5pm for an additional fee. Students who attend will be relocated into one room for the remainder of their time. Students will have the option to choose between a few free time activities or projects before their pick up time.


General Information & Studio Policies

In Studio

-We are a **NUT AND PEANUT FREE STUDIO** We do not provide any food at the studio. Please pack a lunch, two hearty/healthy snacks, and a water bottle. We do not have a refrigerator for the campers to store their food in, so please keep that in mind. 

-Please pack a change of clothes (in a ziplock with the camper's name on it).

-We ask that electronics (ipads, smartphones/watches) are NOT to be used during the camp day. They are extremely distracting to kids and teachers in the classroom. I completely understand a lot of children have phones/watches for safety purposes. If you want your child to come to camp with their phone/watch, that is ok, however, it needs to stay in their backpack until the end of the day. We ask that notifications and ringers are silenced while at the studio. Sitting at their backpacks using their phone/watch during the camp day is not allowed. If you would like an update about your child during camp please let us know and we will set aside a time to update you on their day (likely during free time). If your child uses a phone/watch to receive reminders for a medical reason, please reach out to us so we know what is going on to avoid any confusion as to why your child might need a device. We ask that if you send a phone/watch to camp you inform us and speak to your child about these rules beforehand so they understand studio expectations.

- We also ask that all personal items such as toys and activities stay at home. These items can become distracting during the camp day. They can also cause issues amongst campers as it can be hard for students to share personal items brought from home. We also do not want to be responsible for students' personal items being lost or broken. If your child struggles with separation and they want to bring a small lovey with them to camp, please reach out and let us know about it. We can not be held responsible for that item getting messy (we are an art studio) or lost. We will also only allow it out at certain times during the camp day, snack time, free time, or if they are experiencing a hard time and taking a break in the office. We have a jam-packed schedule in the studio and have tons of fun activities we can offer the kids to use during appropriate times. We DO allow students to bring books (sketch or reading) as these are not likely to cause distractions on the camp day.

-During our mid-day break, we walk over to Dean Street or PS 38 Park. We highly recommend that children wear closed-toe shoes at the park

-Please apply sunscreen prior to dropping your child off for the day. It is recommended that my staff does NOT apply sunscreen to the children, however, we know by the time we head out to the park the kiddos likely need to reapply. With that said we ask that you send your child with a sunscreen stick like this. It’s easy for the kids to reapply and small enough to fit in their pockets! This is just a recommendation and an easy solution.


Pick up and Drop off

Regular drop off begins at 8:45. We ask that you do not come earlier than that as we will have to add you to our Early Care. If you are enrolled in EC, doors will not open until 8 am.

We ask that all kiddos are picked up promptly at the end of class. If you suspect that you may be running late to pick up your child, please call or email the studio ASAP. We allow for one late pick up per week (no later than 15 mins) if you pick up your child later they will automatically be placed in Extended Day and a $25 fee will be charged. We will also charge the $25 fee after you have exceeded one late pick up. **YOU WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY BILLED FOR LATE PICK UP**

We offer Early Care (8 am drop off) and Extended Day (5 pm pick up) for $25 per kid per option per day. For weekly camps we offer Early Care and Extended Day for $100 per option. You can add these at any time, although for scheduling purposes we would prefer to know about early care at the latest the day before. Extended day can be added on anytime during the camp day.




Please submit the medical form (available when you register or email us to get a new copy) on your first day of camp or through email prior to attending. The form can be scanned or faxed to your Doctor and filled out and returned to us, a new visit is not necessary if your child has visited your doctor within the past 12 months before the start date of the camp week. The form is required in order for your child to attend camp with us.



All registration sales are final; no refunds will be issued if a camp is dropped. If there is an emergency situation and your child needs to drop a camp week or transfer to another week it will be at the owners discretion and not guaranteed. We will need to find a replacement before the camp begins and a $45 fee is charged in addition to the loss of the CC processing fee. We understand that schedules can change, however, we prep and plan months in advance. As a small business we do not the the time and resources to accommodate multiple drops within a session.

Missed Classes: We are not responsible for offering make up days or refunds due to circumstances out of our control, including but not limited to: weather, state wide emergencies, illnesses, or personal reasons. We will do all we can to make sure students who miss a camp day are caught up when and if they are able to return to camp.


**To register for camp you must sign and agreed to our refund policy**



How to use your Credits:
Please make sure to read all the information provided, as we do have some stipulations on how to redeem your credits. We are limited to the number of credits used in a single week while our class sizes are still restricted. We hope you understand as we must put these limits in place for us to remain operational. If you want to register for a camp week  DO NOT TRY TO REGISTER ONLINE, you must first reach out to Rene@createdbykidsnyc.com for confirmation there are credit spots available in your chosen camp week. You will then receive instructions for registration. We will do all we can to make sure each person who wishes to use their credit gets into a camp week of their choosing.

Early Bird Discount & Credits:
At this time we are not able to allow for credits to be used during our Early Bird or ANY Discounts. If you would like to sign up during our EBD to secure your spot, we recommend not using your credit at this time and registering per usual. If you are worried a camp week might fill up please reach out and we will help figure something out.

Sibling Discount & Credit:
At this time we are not able to allow for credits to be combined with our sibling discount.

Credits & Refunds:

If you register for a camp week using your credits, we will be sticking to our NO REFUND policy. If you choose to cancel your camp week and we are not able to fill your spot in the camp, your credit will be forfeited. In the circumstances our in-person camps are suspended/canceled due to reasons out of our control (including COVID) you will be offered either online camps in lieu of another credit issued.